![]() 11/08/2017 at 22:50 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I know we have a variety of walks of life here on the Opposite which adds to it’s charm. If I said show me your daily we’d see everything from tuners to muscle cars, antiques to brand new. But I want to see what’s in your pockets.
My carries alternate. The light side is a Taurus 85 in .38 special in a sticky holster and a pair of speed loaders plus a Kershaw Leek. The bold side is a Ruger sr40c with backup extended mag and a Kershaw Link Tanto. Either way the Cabela’s 12ga wallet and butane converted Zippo plus CRKT, Tile and keys.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 22:54 |
Most days, I carry my house keys, phone, and wallet. It’s a pretty sweet setup.
(Canadian here, you’re not allowed to carry firearms, open or closed)
![]() 11/08/2017 at 22:57 |
I carry my wallet, keys, phone and smokes.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 22:59 |
Another Canadian here, I typically supplement the house keys, phone and wallet with my car keys and my headphones, and I often bring my camera when I’m out of the house.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:01 |
That .38 is bad ass! Your lighter looks super cool. And I like that Cabela’s wallet!
My cousin just got a job at the new Cabela’s near Dayton, Ohio
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:02 |
I have a USB key, my wallet and keys.
I live in Canada, so we don’t need to carry guns.
Personally I find it sad and scary that people carry those. Seeing this reminds me of how good we have it here. We have gun laws and we don’t have Trump. And since you guys lost our hockey bet, you guys are stuck with Bieber too.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:02 |
This sorta reminds me of a post from four years ago. (Also, paging Macanamera).
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Part of me feels a country consisting of poutine, Tim Hortons and apologies wouldn’t benefit much from open or concealed carrying. Oh! And maple syrup.
Dammit, now I feel the need to make a venture to Canada.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:04 |
Come on by when our dollar is weak, we’ll show you a grand old time. Depending on where you go.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:06 |
That’s a novel idea. Was up in Rochester last year and didn’t realize how close I was to the border or I’d have made a day trip out of it as my work trip proved to be lack luster as best.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:07 |
Phone, wallet, keys. Maybe a toque!
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:08 |
I mean, it makes my pocket look kinda big sometimes, but it’s fine.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:08 |
I generally carry my phone, house keys, wallet and passport (because being a foreigner living in Canada means my Dutch ID card is not a valid identification)
And no guns here either, both Canada and my native the Netherlands have quite strickt gun laws. In the Netherlands you aren’t even allowed to store the gun and ammo in the same room, and can only transport them while going to or from the shooting range or gun shop etc.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:09 |
You are a “player”.
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Not my pic, lol
. (Hence why I was paging Macanamera)
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The taurus has yet to do me wrong, reliable and accurate as hell. I just can’t get behind hammerless revolvers.
The Zippo is a standard Zippo shell and a Blazer butane insert. (I don’t smoke but I deal with shrink wrap in not do environmentally friendly conditions so it helps a lot)
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:11 |
How did you take a photo of your phone
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:12 |
Yes, that is a banana in my pocket.
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(Psst. See my reply to Highlander.)
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:13 |
The correct phrase is “ballin’ “
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You’ll have to imagine a combination camera/texting device that I also tend to carry with me. Most of the time the spare magazines stay home.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:21 |
Totally understand. Started to conceal carry prior to Trump. Not the living in fear or prepper type but my government trusts me with the necessary permit to carry, which is much like any other accessory to me (albeit with much more responsibility). However at it’s core I do believe most people are good, I just don’t want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when someone decides they no longer want to be “good” and do something horrific.
Without starting too much gun debate, with enough evil and determination someone could conduct a number of haneous acts of evil, regardless or location - and I just hope there’s someone there brave enough to intervene or get others to safety.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:22 |
Why do you need to carry those guns everyday? do you work for law enforcement or something?
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:23 |
Bike’s key, ids and cashy cash
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Can’t say say I’ve ever carried both at the same time. Usually it’s either one group or the other. Hence the ‘light or bold’
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:27 |
So escorts? Cash, rubbers, Mercedes.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:28 |
I’ve got a buddy that dailys a Beretta m9 - he let me shoot it a few weeks ago, it’s a nice piece, loved it... big, but honestly I would much prefer it over one of the smaller concealed carry type units.
I don’t pack daily - probably never will... But I do run daily with an extra $200 cash, phone, battery back up, full traditional Leatherman, LED maglight, small med kit with basics and a couple larger bandages, (learning from experience,) and swap a few other thing in an out depending where I’m going or what I’m doing. If I’m hiking all this comes plus bear spray when appropriate, emergency blanket, rain poncho, food, etc. I was in Seattle during the May Day riots - so I bring a long baseball bat that I can strap to my bag and the bear spray on May Day or if any other riots are planned. F’n anarchists will feel pain if they f with me...
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:28 |
Yeah, I guess that carrying two guns would be kind of unnecessary. But seriously why do you need to carry them? It seems like something very few people need to do.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t carry a weapon, I’m simply wondering why you need them.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:30 |
I can’t post images of my dong in kinja:’(
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I just have my phone (Nexus 6 until Friday), my car key, and a slim wallet.
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I have the same setup, phone, wallet & keys. (Australian here, we don’t have guns, don’t need them, don’t want them.)
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Don’t worry, I got you
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I only carry one at a time.
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I probably should have linked the original comment in my first post.
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Didn’t realize A. How much of Oppo resided in Canada, but B. How strict the Canada gun laws are. Do most Canadians see the US as Texas effectively?
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:39 |
Bear spray and a bat will make for a real bad day for anyone on the receiving end.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:44 |
the thing is you guys need to carry because everyone else there has guns too. The numbers don’t lie. Every country that has gun laws don’t have america’s gun problem. Sure shit happens here, as it does in France, England.... but they are the exception to the rule, and happen rarely, unlike America where mass shootings and gun violence is now the norm and basically has lost its shock value.
I’m not judging you and understand why you want to carry, if I lived there I would too I guess. But I will never live there, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing my kids are surrounded by people with guns. Some, most are responsible(I hope)
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:45 |
Okay that explains it. I miss Macanamera, is he still around? He was always hilarious.
Also, that reminds me of a restaurant I went to in Thailand called Cabbages and Condoms. Their decor was made from condoms. The food was actually really good.
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:48 |
Wallet, phone, apartment key. Three things, that’s it.
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Haha, it does seem like it. I’m just a temporary resident of Canada though.
The laws I described are the Dutch ones, not sure about the Canadian ones.
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His last comment was on Friday, so I’m pretty sure he’s still here.
I guess you didn’t have the steak, then. I heard it’s a bit rubbery. :p
![]() 11/08/2017 at 23:58 |
By the numbers, yeah it does sound scary I’d have to research the number of CCW permits vs gun sales (from my experience most people don’t go through with the CCW process because of cost and effort) but I can say since I’ve started carrying I’ve seen less that 30 people open carrying in public - and that’s after carrying for 4 years now.
On the world wide scope of things carrying isn’t something most people do, feel the need to do or are comfortable with. How many do you know have even fire one at a range before? Guns are one of those uniquely American heritages we take a lot of pride in so yeah, there’s going to be a lot more readily available. Unfortunately that does mean the grey market makes it much more easy for someone to illegally obtain one. Which makes sense for having the highest percentage of gun related crimes
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:04 |
My mom has carried a smooth cylinder Taurus .357 for almost 25 years. They are solid no frills, but will put six down range when you need to. I guess they are like the CJ5 of handguns.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:08 |
Damn, I had no idea that Canada has zero robberies, assaults, stabbings, car-jackings, or violent crime of any kind! What a utopia!
People with concealed weapon permits don’t carry a firearm because “everyone else has guns too”, they carry to protect themselves and others from bodily harm. If someone was attacking you or your family, would you truly take being unarmed vs having a means to defend yourself?
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:13 |
Wallet (Spec Ops T.H.E. wallet. It rules), Car key (Volvo switchblade or Chevy key/fob combo, depending on my choice that morning) and a ZTE Axon Mini (it sucks).
When I meet random people from Craigslist, I usually have a Walther PPQ M2 9mm thrown in there, too. It’s a bit too bulky for daily carry, as I’m a shorts and polo kind of guy, but I’m strongly lusting over the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm for a daily carry. I live in/frequent nice, low-crime suburbs, attend college at home, and work in a very secure area, though, so I don’t feel like it’s too urgent of a need.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:21 |
This thing has helped me a lot
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:30 |
Oh, and by the way, the statistics in your meme are either outright incorrect, or cherry-picked to try to prove a point. Literally the second result in a Google search for “Canada gun violence” includes the following chart:
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:39 |
On the left are my daily non-negotiables (minus the phone I used to take the photo): cheap Walmart wallet, keys, basic Seiko 5, a Gerber Evo Mid, and Pilot fountain pen (or a Pilot G2 in .38 ultra fine on more casual days). On the days when I can wear a blazer/sport coat or a loose outer shirt (and I’m not on my feet the whole time), I sport a CZ P-07 in 9mm, 15+1 decocked. If I am dressed “slimmer” or know my hip will get worn out from the weight of the CZ, I’ll wield the LCPII with the spare mags to make up for the small capacity. Also not pictured: contact lens drops on the days I wear contacts.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:40 |
Don’t be silly, I never said no robberies or homicides here in Canada.
If someone was attacking me, yes I would be unarmed. Since I have been unarmed for almost 40 years so far. Just like people in Great Britain. We are unarmed and we happen to have a lower death rate.
Don’t try to pretend you are not armed because everyone else is. The United States has a gun - population ratio that is basically 1:1 one gun for every man woman and child. You have a gun, cause chances are that crazy that will attact you has one too. In some cases/situations yes carrying a gun will save you, but in most cases pulling out the gun will excalate the situation.
Then you have the gun accidents. Kid finds parents gun.
I’m not saying that you yourself are not a responsible gun owner.
I’m not saying ban all guns, but to me open/concealed carry and owing assault rifles is just insane, especially with the ease of owning them.
Look I own two guns my self, but they are locked in their cases with trigger locks too. A .22 Rifle and a 410 shotgun. To legally own these 2 I had to take a firearms safety course, and have a permit issued from the rcmp, just like everyone else here. You can also own handguns and others firearms but need other permits, and never are allowed to carry.
I’m not saying our system is perfect, but it’s something.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:44 |
A micro .38 or .380 is surprisingly accurate and effective if you put the time in at the range. The main drawback from a micro .380 to a medium-to-large frame autoloader will be capacity, really.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:45 |
I like that holster.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 00:52 |
How do you like these
I saw the one you posted, cause every other pic was basically the same thing. As I said in the other reply to you we do have gun violence too, just like the other countries do too. But the fact and point is is that our gun violence is nothing compared to the gun violence in USA.
Yes some illegal guns end up here, and some if not most of our gun violence is done with legal hunting rifles.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 02:25 |
Yeah because we all know that anything but ZERO crimes would be a failure to any law in the US lol... You would also realize that the two countries where guns are banned well, they don’t have gun violence (and I happen to live in one of those). Tadaaa! :)
And I don’t even advocate for a gun ban. Guns are fun and I enjoy going shooting everytime I go to the US... but the state of mind that so many americans have of wanting to “protect themselves” from others or from some bullcrap tyrannical government because ‘muh freedom! is fucked up! Those same Americans don’t assimilate freedom with being able to take the plane without undergoing an anal cavity search or freedom by smoking a joint bought at the store next door or freedom by travelling on freeways at more than 65mph without paying a ticket or worse, being thrown in jail... No, for those people, guns = freedom. They are so fucking paranoid, that they can’t measure freedom any other way. That’s also, fucked up...
![]() 11/09/2017 at 02:44 |
You’re asking the important questions :)
![]() 11/09/2017 at 02:56 |
Is this real? You carry all this shit around with you every day? You walk around with a bat and bear spray? Planned riots? Wtf.
11/09/2017 at 04:13 |
Wallet and keys in one pocket phone in the other.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 06:19 |
Left pocket: Pixel 2 XL.
Right pocket: wallet with electronic money and cards, tiny tiny pocket knife (which I prefer to a full Leatherman), and keys (Camaro fob, truck door key, and choir room key at church)
Glove box: Glock 27 and spare magazine (unless out and about in questionable areas, in which case this is on my right hip with IWB holster), 5-in-1 screwdriver, registration.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 07:21 |
I can’t speak for others and neither do I daily carry but I think it really just has to do with where you live, the environment around you and past experiences. There are at least a handful of places I have been where a ccw would have been welcome. Some people need to worry about dangerous wildlife and others about dangerous people. Depending on police response time too it may very well be your only option. I’m lucky where I can get an officer to me in about 2.5 min others need to wait significantly longer and by that point you are really on your own.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 07:22 |
NJ is an at will carry State (so you can be a woman fearing for her life and end up being murdered by her ex while waiting for one) and I’d rather not have a CCW denial on my record so have never applied for one.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 08:07 |
But does it come with a snapon price tag? I’m without a multitool at the moment and am searching for one.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 08:12 |
Do most Canadians see the US as Texas effectively?
Yes. I live about 15 minutes from the border and everytime I go across into the US:
Not that this is a bad thing. It’s fun, but taxing after a while.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 08:38 |
my why- i obtained a concealed carry permit after getting a credible death threat from a patient who thought i was torpedoing his work compensation injury claim.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 08:57 |
Cost me 5 bucks for a set on clearance
![]() 11/09/2017 at 09:11 |
Damn, stay safe...
![]() 11/09/2017 at 09:24 |
it’s no rocket. At best, it’s a single blackcat with 2 snap poppers :’(
![]() 11/09/2017 at 09:31 |
Personally, I see posts like this (from the OP) as a lot of dick swinging internet tough guy horseshit.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 09:52 |
Bat and Bear spray when he hikes.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 09:58 |
didn’t know you were on oppo
![]() 11/09/2017 at 11:04 |
What hit me the most was that someone decided it was a good idea to post Guns here 3 days after another major US shooting.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 11:12 |
Nope. Here is what he said: “ I was in Seattle during the May Day riots - so I bring a long baseball bat that I can strap to my bag and the bear spray on May Day or if any other riots are planned. F’n anarchists will feel pain if they f with me...”
![]() 11/09/2017 at 11:17 |
He would have been the hero, kneeling in praise to his Christian God and then rising to save the stricken flock as his hand cannon belched fire in the name of the Holy Spirit.
Gun people are weird as shit.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 12:20 |
Not a bad little kit. Too bad I have too many knives and flashlights already.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 15:07 |
I read that wrong a few times I guess.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:07 |
That is a terrible statistic. That would be the equivalent of saying something like...Canada has the most drug overdose for size in North America.
That is of course due to the fact that Canada has a fair amount of drug usage, but a very high land availability per citizen drastically shooting up the statistic. Statistics casually manipulated is a huge pet peeve.
The statistic in your picture is the US has 5% of the world population, probably true.
Accounts for half of all firearms world wide, maybe true, firearms are not only bought for protection etc, but for things like hunting, sport shooting, family heirlooms, decoration the reason being they are not illegal to own or operate.
80% of gun deaths in the 23 richest countries...what? Why the 23 richest countries? Is that per capita? Is that GDP? That is the strangest statistic I have seen in a long time. Establishing that the statistic to use would be something like gun crimes per gun. If guns equal violence then putting that to equivalency. US has about 112 guns per 100 people. Canada on the other hand has 30 per 100 people. Since guns equals crime, you would expect homicides to be about 3.7 times higher right? It is 4.8/100k for the US, 1.7/100k for Canada a factor of 2.8. So guns =/= gun violence. Well more guns must mean an increase in crimes though right, maybe not a 1:1, but surely an increase right? El Salvador has a homicide rate of 108/100k and about 5.8 guns per 100 people. Honduras 64/100k homicide and 6.4 guns per 100 people. Well that is just a matter of a violent few with guns, more guns must mean more crime right? Cyprus has a whole 37 guns per 100 people, guess what, it has an even lower homicide rate of 1.29/100k, that is even lower than Canada. So we can conclude from this that guns per person does not equate to homicide rate.
Another factor that is unfortunate to think about is gun violence does not always mean towards another individual. Suicide does make a portion of this really unfortunate statistic.
I can also end my statement with something like I’m not judging, but I will never live in Canada. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing my kids are surrounded by an epidemic of drug users. Some are recreational (I hope). That would be petty.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 19:35 |
Please keep on believing America doesn’t have a gun problem.
![]() 11/09/2017 at 20:23 |
*thought terminating generic comment*
![]() 11/09/2017 at 21:09 |
Hasn’t been that bad since, but every year we get a bunch of anarchists up from Oregon to gridlock traffic, break a bunch of windows and assault some people.
![]() 11/10/2017 at 20:44 |
Not sure that words like Heritage and Pride should be used to justify wanting to carry around a gun in your pocket.
![]() 11/10/2017 at 20:59 |
It’s a liberty not many other countries allow their citizens to have, so yes it’s part of our heritage. And I have no qualms with being proud of my country and the liberties it grants.
![]() 11/10/2017 at 22:08 |
I can understand and fully appreciate being proud of your country, that should be part and parcel for everyone no matter where we live, however, I’m glad I don’t have to remember to pocket a weapon designed to kill along with my keys and wallet when I step out of my front door. I have lived in the US in the past, Oklahoma to be exact, and have returned to many states for work and leisure over the years, I now live about 12km out from Brisbane, Australia’s 3rd largest city and happily walk around not feeling any need to have a weapon on me. We do have quite a few snakes and spiders here, but they are quite friendly regardless of what you read on the internet.
![]() 12/03/2017 at 14:40 |
On weekends, I carry a tiny little pocket knife. Wife bought it for me a few years ago. I have others but this one is tiny and light. So it goes in the pocket.
On weekdays I carry a Zero Tolerance 0750 Talon spring assist. Is good for work stuff. Hacking boxes, slitting tape, using the point to peel tape off painted material while I have gloves on, stripping and separating wires. Easy to operate with gloves, easy to keep clean in a welding shop. Mine is beat up, but I’ve been using it for years now. Once in a while I blow it out and dump some type of oil (air tool, mineral, 10W40...) on it and wipe it off.
![]() 12/03/2017 at 16:45 |
That talon blade looks viscous.
But I’m really digging the minimal frame of the deejo
![]() 12/05/2017 at 00:26 |
The talon blade’s tip is really useful for getting under stuff at work.
I think there are both smaller and larger Deejo knives now.